Causes of AC compressor failure

Air Conditioner compressors are a common part of the home heating and cooling system. They create air pressure inside a room or building to provide warmth and coolness. When the compressor fails, this can cause serious problems for your home. Therefore, if you have an AC compressor in your home, it is important to know the causes and symptoms of AC compressor failure.

Causes and symptoms of AC compressor failure


When an AC compressor fails, it can cause many issues. These issues can range from minor to very serious and often require professional help to fix. If you experience any of these problems, please do not hesitate to get help.

What is an ac compressor?

An Ac compressor is a motorized fan inside the unit that helps cool down the refrigeration system. This is done using the heat from the condenser coil(the coils that transfer heat outside). Without any cooling, the temperature would rise to an unsafe level, and damage could occur to the electronics and possibly cause a fire. So basically, they serve two purposes. First, to blow air across the coils, which removes the heat, and to direct the airflow around the home/building.

Causes AC compressor failure

1. Air Compressor Failure Caused By Over-Voltage

My friend got his AC unit replaced due to some voltage problems. He noticed he had trouble rerunning the AC after they fixed the problem (it would only work for about 30 seconds, then shut off). After reviewing the video, I think he may have been experiencing over-voltage issues. You'll notice he's putting the air pressure gauge to full before turning on the unit. This doesn't seem right. In my opinion, if the voltage drops below 120vdc, the motor should not start. If it does start, then something else is going on.

2. Overloading

The second cause could be overloading. Try taking out the bulbs and checking how much power each bulb draws from the circuit. Also, check the fuse box or breaker panel to make sure nothing is tripped.

3. Bad Connections

It's possible that the connections between the switch and outlet were bad, causing a high current draw.

4. Motor Faulty

Unfortunately, this is just speculation without seeing the actual unit, so we cannot tell what exactly went wrong. However, it's unlikely that an electrician will have much experience working with these units.

5. Short Circuit

Another possibility is that a short occurred somewhere in the system's wiring and caused the load to exceed the capacity of the wire. Check the breakers/fuse boxes and replace any blown fuses.

6. Motor Grounded Out

If you notice no power running to the fan blades or the ac unit itself, then it means that the motor somehow grounded out. There are two ways to fix this. First, turn the ac off completely and disconnect the wires leading to the motors. Then, try rewiring them to ensure continuity throughout. Second, remove the cover plate from the back side of the electrical panel where the wires from the ac are connected. Make sure that the white wire goes directly to the ground and not anything else. Once reconnected, turn the ac back on while observing whether it still runs.

7. Poor Fan Blade Design

Fan blades are designed to operate under certain conditions. When operating under less than ideal conditions, the fan speed often decreases. This decrease in speed might not affect the operation of the AC unit. However, it certainly affects the quality of the airflow. To improve efficiency, consider replacing the fan blade design.

8. Unplugged

Lastly, try unplugging the unit from the wall socket. Please wait 15 minutes and plug it back in. If the unit is plugged in correctly, you should receive power.

Also, note that sometimes the ac unit will automatically restart when disconnected. This is normal and shouldn't pose any safety concerns.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, if you experience AC compressor failure, it is crucial to have a close look at the equipment and make sure that all connections are tight. If the problem can't be fixed, you may need to replace the compressor.


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