7 simple tips to keep your Air Conditioner running Smooth and Efficient

It can be hard to keep your home's air conditioner running smoothly, but with these seven tips, you can make sure it runs efficiently and smoothly. Following these simple tips can help keep your home cool and comfortable all summer long. Check These Tips to Keep Your Air Conditioner up and running Looking to keep your air conditioning running smoothly and efficiently? These 7 tips can help! Following these simple tips can help keep your AC on point, and your home cooled all summer days. 1. Clean the filter Most people do not know how often they should clean their air conditioning filter. A dirty filter makes it hard for the air conditioner to maintain its cool temperature. In addition, compressed air can blow out lint and debris from the mesh filter. 2. Check the belt drive The belt drive is a system that connects the compressor motor to the condenser coil. If the belt does not rotate properly, the compressor will have problems keeping the coils cold enough to chill the water vapor...