How to Do a Furnace Tune-Up: The Ultimate Guide

How to Do a Furnace Tune-Up: The Ultimate Guide To properly maintain your furnace, it is essential to do a proper furnace tune-up. This annual maintenance task should be performed every spring or fall, depending on the heating system installed in your home. An improperly working furnace can cause problems such as uneven heat distribution, excessive noise, damage to the unit itself, and expensive repair bills. Photo Credit: A furnace tune-up consists of a number of tasks ranging from checking various components inside the furnace to cleaning the air ducts. Check For Clogs Before doing any other service, start with the most obvious one. If there are clogs in the furnace, the problem will immediately prevent the fan from running smoothly. This is especially true for furnaces with forced induction systems. To detect these clogs, turn off the gas supply, open the damper, and run the blower for about 30 minutes. Afterward, shut down the fan and...